Worst Radio Personality

BERT: Radio? Personality? Man, the organisers really didn't think this category through at all...

Kyle Sandilands - 60.32%
"When is he going to give back the dogs arse he's wearing as a hairpiece?"
- melbelle
"WORST RADIO PERSONALITY is too long a title for this category. Just subtract 'RADIO' and 'ALITY'."
- The Noble Bhard
"Personality? Where?"
- Don't You Dare Use My Comments
Fifi Box - 22.22%
Matt Tilley - 17.46%

Last year's winner:
Kyle Sandilands

If Kyle Sandilands didn't exist we'd have had to invent him... or just find another way to suppress the human sex drive. In theory, if you had a nagging doubt that you were, deep down inside, a truly vile and reprehensible human being, having Kyle around might somehow slightly ease your pain in an "at least I'm not that bad" way. In practice, that'd require a level of self-awareness rarely found in either Kyle's fans or the great man himself. Just call in for the giveaways!

Fifi Box: what's the point? Or more seriously, isn't the entire point of the lightweight blonde newsreader that the moment she gets popular enough to actually ask for decent pay, you ditch her for a new model? Her rise and rise is a sign that either Australia is undergoing a massive blonde shortage, or now that sexual harassment laws have cut out the casting couch network execs can't be bothered looking for new talent.

We can remember when Matt Tilley was a young up-and-comer, a man whose distinct lack of any clear talent was in no way holding him back from shooting for the stars. And now, who cares? He's not coming back to TV, those "Gotcha Calls" are played out, and we don't even have to put up with those "Mat Tilley: Still On Radio" magazine stories. Hope he and Jo enjoy being Grubby & Dee Dee 2.0.

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